I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible...
First and foremost, now I didn't research this but, if carrying an unlicensed firearm in the District is illegal and punishable by jail, then that's the law that should apply to Arenas--by now we know that he brought unloaded guns into the MCI Center that weren't registered in the District of Columbia, nor MD nor VA nor any other state as far as I know.
**Right now, Rihanna singing, "where dem bloggas at? where dem bloggas at?" is pulsing through my head...in part because I'm here writing as a partially (maybe mostly) uninformed individual. But this is my opinionated blog that no one is reading so...**
Anyways, and I've said this for Tiger Woods, athletes and entertainers are not only abnormal people because once they become famous (or the people around them realize they will one day become famous), I feel they are shielded from "life on the ground" as most of us know and understand it, but also because at that level of professionalism, all of them possess an "abnormal" competitive nature/drive...otherwise they wouldn't be there. And I personally feel, you CAN'T disassociate that from the person they are off the court. In other words, if I will myself to win this game at any cost, I'm also going to use that same will to bag the baddest chick in the room, do the "dare" that no one else would do in "truth or dare", disrespect to a greater degree that dude that I feel just disrespected me...
Feel me?
Combine the fact of being shielded from reality ($1,000 dollar gambling bets on team private jets, making jokes with real unloaded handguns, thinking that because the threat of violence wasn't apparent to those that witnessed the exchange there is no harm to be had legally either from the heated exchange on the plane or in the locker room with the "Pick One" post it note) and the natural competitive "one-upping" nature of professional athletes (Arenas taunting Crittenden on the plane to the point of saying he'll blow up his car to Crittenden saying he'll shoot Arenas in his surgically repaired knee to Arenas bringing 4 unloaded handguns to the Verizon Center so Crittenden could "pick one" to Crittenden allegedly throwing one of the guns across the room then allegedly taking his own weapon and cocking it (i.e. loading a bullet in the chamber) and allegedly walking around the locker room singing to Arenas then laughing at Crittenden's whole act), and voila!...there you have it, the situation we now find ourselves in. (sorry for the super run on sentence).
As Chris Rock said, I'm not saying I agree or condone his actions...but I understand (why it happened).
P.S. As for the pregame "Shoot 'em up" picture taken before Monday's Philly game, I think the same holds true--those that were there feel that the perceived non-threat of violence speaks loader than the fact its illegal to have unlicensed guns in the District...much less the Verizon Center.
1 comment:
I like how you called it MCI center in your first paragraph...
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