Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Since before I came to Germany, I was told that Frankfurt is known for a certain home-brewed alcoholic concoction called "apfelwein" (pronounced "apple wine"). More specifically, there is an area on the southside of the city called Sachsenhausen that is known for its apfelwein bars. However, since I've arrived in Frankfurt, I have yet to travel to this area of town--seeing that its 1) not close to where I live; 2) not in between where I've been and where I was trying to get; and 3) not easily accessible via subway.

Earlier this week I came to the conclusion that enough was enough and I was going to try this apfelwein out at some point this week. Upon querying my landlord about places to go, he stated that Sachsenhausen is mad touristy--as it is internationally known for its apfelwein bars. He stated that a better alternative would be to head right up Berger Strasse (the street where I live) and check out the several apfelwine bars there. Not only were they just as good as the ones found in Sachsenhausen, but they also had more of the "local German" feel from which apfelwein bars were born (i.e. the bars have that old wooden, German-countryside look and feel).

Well, sitting in my crib after work with nothing to blog about, I made the trek up the street. Sure enough, after about 4 to 5 blocks, I came upon the olden section of Borheim (the area just to the north of where I live) and the first building I saw that looked like that olden German architecture was an apfelwein bar that called, "Apfelwein ____" (I don't remember the second word and I didn't take a picture).

I walked in and asked for some apfelwein (man I'm tired of typing that word) and she asked whether I wanted it "pure" or "with water"--the reason being that some find it rather strong without it. I looked to her for guidance and she said the only way I'll know is to try it pure...and that's what I did. Another lady then reached under the counter and pulled out a large metal pitcher. While she did, the first lady told me that they made the apfelwein on-site. I then asked if I could buy a bottle, to which she replied yes. It was at that point that I actually tasted the drink.

I wouldn't call it a big disappointment in that it tasted bad...I was just expecting more apple. If I had to describe it, it tasted like olive water...with the same amount of olive as if you were to take a large glass of water and squeeze half a lemon into it. Furthermore, I felt no alcoholic buzz from it (which really isn't saying all that much because, thanks to Tallahassee, I like to think I have a tolerance that is well above-average). Who knows, maybe some of the apfelwein bars in Sachsenhausen (which I still plan to visit at some point) have better tasting apfelwein. Maybe I was just unlucky enough to catch the bar at a time when they were serving the "bad batch" of today's apfelwein. Maybe in the company of others, it serves as a good "soical" drink. Or maybe I should have tried it with water. Who knows...all I know is that it definitely left more to be desired.

Still, I figured it'd be nice to have a bottle as a souvenir to take home for myself or one of my alcoholic buddies. So after finishing the drink, I asked to purchase a bottle. The first lady then went over to a crate and pulled out a random empty plastic bottle (that most likely had been finished not too long ago) and handed it to the lady behind the counter. She then water-washed the inside of the bottle (i.e. filled the bottle about a quarter-full with tap water from the sink and then vigorously shook the bottle) and then filled the bottle with apfelwein from the same pitcher she poured from earlier. And Voila! There you have it, your own bottle of Berger Strasse's own home-brewed apfelwein (pictured above).

I ain't mad in the slightest. Cause now I have some "break in case of emergency" alcohol in the 'frige and a new blog written.



Anonymous said...

before I read today's blog...

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Anonymous said...

Afew years ago I spent acouple of weeks around Frankfurt. A small town called Gelnhausen. I believe it's about 40km to the east of Frankfurt. It was less than a 20 min trip on the DB for sure. Great town if you get a chance to go and to top it off, there is a small "irish pub" there called Mcdaids. One of the barkeepers there is named Michael, he's an Apfelwein finatic. turned me on to the stuff. He's a nice guy, and knows all the little places to go in town since he's lived there all his life. "he's about middle aged" anyhow, check it out if you care to. it would be worth the short trip. Shoot me an email if you want as well.


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