Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I Have to Document This...

Long story short...

I went to this club in the basement of the European Central Bank called "Living." Upon leaving I called Kadija, who accompanied me, via phone, I'd say about 4/10's of the way. I thought I knew where I was going, but upon hanging up with her, I realized this was not the case.

Now, if you think lower Manhattan is a maze, don't even think about coming to Frankfurt (or any other European city with history for that matter). I have tried to walk home both sober and drunk and found myself caving in to either take the tram, subway or...hold your (people who know me know that I HATE taxi cab and tow truck drivers). Its just that difficult. I don't know if its that the old horse paths became paved roads (i.e. planned with no attention to straight-ness or which way is north, etc.), or the old walls surrounding the city that "paved the way" (pun intended) for the "main" streets that encircle the city (thereby, complicating the streets that branch from them as well)...but it just wasn't coming together. And mind you, I PRIDE myself on my exceptional directional ability.

But that all changed tonight.

After hanging up with Kadija, I believe I had an idea of where I was. But where I would normally question myself and backtrack, this time I trusted in whatever it is that's greater than this world, as well as myself.

I do not remember all the queues that popped up along the way that made me seriously question whether or not I was going the right way and/or turnaround (besides, I did not have my camera with me as the charger is bunk). But I stuck through it, and we were right.

It was deep because, to get a bit personal, I feel I have personally not been as in touch with with my spiritual side as I have been recently at home. Like I said, I ain't finna get preachy, it just felt very good to fully trust (myself, It, whatever, etc.), see it through...and be correct (despite all the doubt).

And with that...I'm out.



Anonymous said...


Kadija said...

Seems to me that the conversation with Kadija was so intense that you got totally involved and completely lost...Not my fault, but I am glad you found yourself in more ways than one.