Monday, December 10, 2007

Louco Por Ti (Lisboa Preview)

Tonight, I would blog about last weekend's trip to Lisbon, but:
  1. Between preparing last Friday's presentation/packing for the trip on Thursday night; a couple druken nights where I had to get up soon after hitting the sack; and staying up Sunday night catching up on all the news I missed over the weekend, the last 4 nights I've probably gotten a total of 16 hours sleep and I really need to get some rest; and
  2. I'm bummed because the charger on my camera doesn't work and now I'm out of commission picture-wise (and yes, I found this out in Lisbon).
I'll get to it all (and probably split it into at least 2 not-so-long blogs because I know the picture-reeled essays take their toll on enjoying the blog that is the Adventures of Frankfurt Freddie)...I promise. In the meantime, enjoy the anthem of our trip (as well as discovering the traces of Spanish, French and Italian in the language that is Portuguese):


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