Thursday, January 24, 2008

Yesterday, It Happened...

Remember how I told you that the German subway system does not have turnstiles (meaning, you can easily get on the subway without having purchased a ticket)? Well, like a good little boy, for the months of November and December, I had purchased monthly Frankfurt subway tickets to the tune of around 70 Euro. After arriving back in Frankfurt for the new year, it wasn't until halfway through the month that I realized that I didn't have a ticket. And with my stay out here officially coming to an end 31 January, I didn't much see the need.

Well...I could get into how if I just happened to get off at my normal stop (Hoenstrasse) and not take the train one stop further (Borheim Mitte)--so that I wouldn't have to walk as far to the Thai spot from which I was getting dinner--then I would have gotten off the train right before the subway ticket-checkers approached me. Or how, if I wasn't so englufed in reading this report on the U.S. Housing Market by Wells Fargo, I would have noticed that the guy was approaching me and gotten off at my normal stop.

But it doesn't matter...

And for your information, telling them that you don't speak German or didn't know cause you're a tourist doesn't work. They speak English too. And get this, if you don't have the 40 Euro fine in cash on you, they walk with you to the nearest ATM. And if you can't get any money out from there, they call the authorities.

Luckily, I had enough money on me, and I paid the 40 Euro fine. But guess what, I'm still remember how much a monthly pass was?

Now all I have to do is be on guard for the remaining week I have out here.


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