Monday, March 8, 2010

Hiatus, Explained

For those of you tuned into my blog (i.e. there you go talking to yourself again Fred), it appears as if I broke my New Year's resolution. Yes and no...?

So, last week I was at NBS, also known as National Black Summit, in Winter Park, CO. In a nutshell, a large number of black people primarily in their 30's and 40's descend upon a ski resort for a week (more on that later). Anyways, due to the facts: 1) I figured I'd be out of the loft for most of my time there, and 2) I knew I wasn't going to be jogging or doing push-ups/sit-ups during the week (read: altitude and skiing would be enough fitness), I wasn't planning upon blogging either for the week. As it turns out, two things happened, one that should have allowed me to blog and another that precluded me from blogging anyhow. As for the former, I broke my wrist my second skiing day out there (Thursday), and spent pretty much all of Friday and Saturday indoors. As for the latter, the Internet wasn't working in the loft and I didn't bring my computer (so I couldn't relocate to a wi-fi area in the base village).

So there it is why you haven't heard from me. And yes, I feel like shit and that my two successful resolution months are almost for naught.

...I'm going jogging now.


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