Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's Time for a Montage

Jogging in D.C., specifically to the Capitol and back from my house, definitely has its perks. Most notably, this specific jog through Capitol Hill put on full display one of the best things about D.C.--we get 4 full seasons.

Among the things I've seen in my jogs thus far (i.e. since I've moved into my house), I've seen auburn leaves, 8 foot snowbanks, cross country skiers, rabidly mad, republican healthcare protesters, 40 mph wind gusts and now the cherry blossoms are just starting to peek out. I'm sure I'm also in store for torrential downpours (spring) and 100 degree humid heat (summer) in the future, but that's all part of the beauty. All of it, viewed as a whole, provides a superb backdrop for getting in shape.

That said, if there's ever a movie done of my life, I'd like for this period (Fall 2009-Fall 2010) to be a montage--where its shown as one whole jog to the Capitol and back, but the weather throughout the seasons changes showing all the crazy beauty I've witnessed. All throughout, it cuts to and from the various events of my life that happened during this period...if that makes any sense.


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