Monday, October 22, 2007

One Night Only...

Yes. I'm bubblin', buzzin' and all of the above. But that's what u get when you get the real adventures of 'Frank'.

So after realizing that the Zara shirt had unmitigated iron marks on it, I had to go with the pink cashmere sweater that I wore on the plane.

*this is sooooo hard right now, but I ain't finna fold cause Langley finna recognize real and front me another half mil (which is like a drink in a London club)*

*did u get the 007 reference?*

Anyways, I had 3 choices..."Sports Cafe","Tiger Tiger" or "China White"

The only place I knew was Sports Cafe (caude Chirs showed it to me when we ent to Piccadilly Ciorcus toady), but when I git off the bus, and walked, I saw Tihet Tiger. But itv looked expenseive and likethey dodn't play hip-hop so I passed and wen to Sport s Cafe.

*I want all the viewers at home to know that I am allowing the drunkin typos to stay cause they provide for the art that is this blog*

I stayed there for a cuple of hours and bougt several whiskey and "cokes" (shout to Chirs) tghat were only 1 pound! (a deal by american standards!) and left by 1 am...just in time to miss he monday night footbal game that I wnet there to se in the firts place.

*If you were really inclined, you would see that one of my hands was ahead in terms of typing than the other and see which side of my brain was really in control. Anyways...*

*and these *'s were typed during the fiasco that is this blog...not some after editing type stuff*

So I left to embrke on the journey thaqt was finding "TIger Tiger" and "China White". Well "Tigher Tiger was found priotr to me getting to Sports Cafe so that's that. But China White is where the story gets interesting.

After my left contact almost fell out of my eye and I had to ride out with that dry piece of 20th century innovation in my eye, I happened upon a hotel awning...

It was a couple--a white lady from Atlanta and an Indian dude from...America. Be all end all, dude said New Yok trumped London...and he was a world traveler. Why? Casue the true measure of a city wqs what you could do on a weekeday...specifially a Monday or a Tiesday. See, every major city in the world has stuff poppoin on the weekend, but it takes a real wolrd-wide city to have something to do on a Monday or Tuesday. I thought of Fly on Mondays oin DC, but you really need a scene to take that crown. I haven't been to NY on 2 many of a monday nights, but I figure there's enough to do given the alcoves.

NEways, h esaid China white pops pff, but expect a cover. "Coool" and I was American walikng.

2 people gave me dircetions to tht damn club and they both got me disoriented. It took Bruno to steer me un the right direction. He aid China whit ewas that way, but it doens't popooff until tomorrow (ie. Tues). the spoy for tonite was "CaBARET" (my bad for the caps lock). and how right he wqs. It really reminded me of lFy on a monday night...afetr the peak. there was more swords than hearsts, but they could move 20x better tha the breezyes that I saw in Sports cafe. Beside,s there was this one smoke-breathed Euporean chick that kept egging me on some dance stuff tghat made me wonder of the 20x-European chick rule actually wporkss. (shout to deacon frost)

Anyways, bruno was going t the same bus stop afetr the clu that I was (pause) so it heklped my drunken internalization of the situation get home.

I know I;m doing this situation no justice cause the truth of the matter is that I learned a lot, from not ony Bruno but the European/British club scene as a whole...but I wanted this American art prevailed and I hop eu appreciated it for the beauty that it is.

Maybe in the futruet Frankfurt journeys you'll get something more refined but for now you need to go to sleep.



Joshua said...

What the hell are you talking about? Don't drink and type! It's not your forte. Who the hell is Bruno? Your ramblings devolve into the incoherent pseudo-words of one who has not mastered the ability to drink and retain rational thought. You need more practice son!

Unknown said...

wow. you are drunk. like for real. no joke.