Saturday, October 20, 2007

Yesterday's Token Day Through London

Growing up in the Nation's Capitol, I have seen my fair share of tourists. And I can't blame them for wanting to take in the city's many attractions. I can't even lie, before I left for college, I went around DC and did all the "tourist-y" stuff (i.e. Washington Monument, Capitol, Lincoln/Jefferson Memorials, Smithsonian, etc.) I had forgotten I'd done in my formative years. Anyways, yesterday was my first full day in London and I was going to be "that guy".

And what a beautiful day it was...

First and foremost, mind the just may save your life. As an American, you'd be surprised how helpful these are when crossing the street (since they drive backwards out here)...and how fast they drive on London's narrow-a** streets.

Yeah...they ain't even got one in DC yet.

The menu at McDonalds. Multiply everything by 2 and you'll get the price in American dollars. If you look very close, you'll see that the price for a small fry is $1.78 and a "medium" Big Mac (tm) value meal is $7.38. According to Chris, doing the conversion to dollars in your head when purchasing just isn't worth it cause it'll just make you depressed and/or go postal.

This is Park Street. It runs along the east side of Hyde Park, which is London's equivalent to DC's Mall. See the buildings on the left, their ground floors contain every single luxury car dealership (foreign and domestic).

Token Buckingham Palace shot. I also have a shot without the "Sound of Music" taxi, but I personally think it gives the picture character.

Definitely a finalist. You got the Parliament, Big Ben and London Eye all in one shot on a beautiful day...that's what's up. And they say the weather's supposed to be like this all weekend.

The section of the Parliament that was (re)built in the mid-1800's. The only things missing are the gargoyles and dracula in the window telling you to come back later on tonight.

This is the section of the Parliament that was built around 1,000 years ago.

Wonderful shot of the London Eye over the River Thames (IMO, the clouds make the pic).

Wonderful desktop shot of the London Eye.

This pic was for Tres.

Along the walkway by the Jubilee Gardens, they have these street performers that go all out. This was one of 'em. It's kinda hard to see but if you throw some change in the bucket in front of the bike, he/she starts pedaling like an arcade game. Otherwise, it's as still as a statue.

OK, so here's my thing. I've seen this setup plenty of times in NY, the only difference is that instead of the "lb." sign in front of the 2 and 5 its a "$". Look, value is value. These same cheap earrings should not cost twice as much just cause I crossed the pond. Yes I understand that the British economy is doing better than the American economy right now. And I'm no arbitrage theory expert. But shouldn't there be twice as many tourists in London than in New York willing to buy this isht in order to support prices at this inflated level? I doubt that's the case.

The bathroom in Selfridges--sort of like the Bloomdales or Saks 5th Ave ON 5th Avenue in New York ON steroids. As I explained on the tape, the 2nd floor Selfridges contains EVERY men's designer label known to man. Anyways, I'm not sure if this is a London thing or not, but the toilet paper in the stall comes out of a dispenser like tissue. The result is the above if you're trying to drop a deuce.

Finally, in London they have this place called Argos, which is basically like a WalMart without the "Mart". It's basically like the area in Circuit City where you pick up the big electronic device you just bought, with a bunch of kiosks that have catalogues (shown above). Each catalogue, which is about 4 inches thick at least, contains every single item found in your neighborhood WalMart. You thumb through the catalogue and enter what you want to buy on a keypad (shown below...)

(the booklet shown above the catalogue, to my understanding, has coupons you can use). When you're done, I believe it gives you a receipt and you go to the "Circuit City" counter and pay/pick up your merchandise (home-delivery extra).

Well, those were the most informative shots of my first day in London. I got, I'd say, 5 hours sleep last night. Not because I stayed up late last night so much, but because its now 9:30am and I've been uploading photos into and typing this blog for the past 2 hours. But you know what...I'm finna take a shower and head to Brixton to get my hair cut<--I'll put you up on it tomorrow.



Kadija said...

I love this blog the best, it made me realize how long I have been away from home. I miss Argos, that place furnished my whole house, and supplied me with every Christmas and Birthday gift I ever needed!!

I don't care how much those earrings cost I hope you got me 2 for 5 quid.

Your shots of the Houses of Parliament and the Eye are great, I've never seen that.

Have fun in Brixton.

leadiamond said...

"As you said on the tape"?? are you posting those too or do I need to wait until you get back to the states to hear that?

I've never been a big traveler, but your blog is making me want to give it a shot.

Frankfurt Freddie said...

you may have to wait...but if I can't figure out how to post audio and its relevant, then you just may be in luck.

Joshua said...

Did you go to Herrods? What about Fish and Chips? Had any yet? They aren't as good any more since they stopped wrapping them in newspaper. That's what made them joints authentic!

Unknown said...

Man, the currency thing is the worst. It is not even that their economy is doing any BETTER than ours, it is just that they have artificially inflated it through what they import and export as well as controls on its value. Its high, which means that no one can buy their goods, but it also means that they can buy looks of other goods. Not sure how it all rounds out (i'm no economist) but it definitely makes you feel poor.

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Компания осуществляет деятельность в сфере услуг уже более 10 лет, проводя принципиально новый путь к решению такого важного вопроса, как организация отдыха. В сети работает команда профессионалов высокого класса, имеющие немалый опыт в сфере отдыха.
Основные принципы работы компании состоят в индивидуальном подходе, внимательном отношении к каждому клиенту, предоставляя качественные услуги по наиболее доступным ценам. Во всех офисах общая база предложений, которая всё время обновляется, потому цены во всей сети одинаково низкие. Чтобы стать покупателем лучшего тура по наиболее низкой цене, достаточно узнать, где расположен ближайший офис
В концепцию развития торговой марки входит ограниченное число поставщиков туристических сервисов, чтобы качество и уровень обслуживания оставался неизменно на высоком уровне. является профессиональной сетью турагентств, которые специализируется не лишь на одних «горящих» турах, путевках со скидками и бонусами на ближайшие выходные или праздничные даты, но также и на турах с ранним бронированием.
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