Tuesday, February 23, 2010

36 minutes to go...

So here I sit, with just over half an hour left of my 20's, and I think, much to my chagrin, that the Lord answered the question I posted in my prior blog....I think the Lord wants me to learn how to lose without giving up.

So I just finished my last jog of my 20's, and before I started I said (to myself in the mirror), that if I can finish the jog in 6 songs or less, I will find true happiness in my 30's. I was on pace, and then the 6th song that came on was the same 6th song that was on during the last time I posted a similar 'do or die' question ('Smash Sumthin' if you must know).

I knew I had to push it...and I did...but I still came up short...by literally less than 5 seconds.

Did I really push myself hard enough?

Did the Lord make sure that song came on at just the right time so that I wouldn't be able to make it?

Does the question I posted even mean anything?

Had I made it, would I be asking myself these questions?

I don't know...all I can do is take it for a lesson, even if it hurts...much less it being the last thing that's on my mind as I exit my 20's.

...I'm not going to quit.


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