Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow-pacalypse '10 - Pt. 2

So I faked Sunday and Monday. That means that I have to jog every day the rest of this week to keep the resolution going. No prob...only 10 more inches to deal with on top of semi-plowed District roads :-(

Truth be told though, I was actually looking forward to it cause Capitol Hill looks utterly beautiful under a thick blanket of snow. So much so, I'm taking my camera with me tomorrow to snap pictures mid-stride.

Seriously, if all goes as planned I'll upload them after work tomorrow--yes, I plan to go in (even though my job, along with the Federal Gov't., are closed tomorrow). I'm wearing jeans though.

Ok, here are the pics...

See those stalactites? Those are serious hazards, I personally saw one of those melt and fall onto the sidewalk. If it had hit someone, they might have died.

Capitol Hill View #3

This was the second cross-country skier I saw out today. I also saw a third (albeit, carrying her equipment) on the metro later in the day.

Capitol View #2

Capitol View #1

Capitol Hill View #2

Capitol Hill View #1

Alley View

View East Along H Street NE (the Night before)


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