Friday, February 26, 2010


Funny things happen when you pull an all-nighter. Usually around that no man's land time like around 3 to 5, you get to thinking. Me, my mind drifted around the different periods in my life (yeah, turning 30 and all, these things are fresh on your mind), and I noticed an interesting pattern...

I broke up with Shorty-baby shortly after Valentine's Day in '98. For the next two years, there were women that cameo-ed in my life, but nothing serious came along until Yonnie in '00. For roughly the next two years we dated, then she went to 'Semester at Sea' ('02) and we took a break from which we never got back together. The next four years again saw women that were, and are to this day, still special to me, but I never categorized them as my 'girlfriend' until Momo ('06). We dated for a lil' over a year, then shortly after breaking up with her Kadija was introduced in my life and that lasted til the end of last year.

So to recap -
  • Non-Girlfriend periods - '98-'00; '02-'06
  • Girlfriend periods - '00-'02; '06-'10
OK, so here's where it gets interesting. A look deeper into those 'non-girlfriend' periods saw a monster-load of me-myself-and-I time where the creative/goal-oriented side of myself prevailed. Between '98 and '00, I probably kept at least 6 journals, read a rack of books (outside of those needed for classes), taught myself to rap (the talent of which I've pretty much lost as of now) and was heavily involved with Streeteam. Between '02 and '06, I recorded well over 70 of the infamous Jungluv tapes, organized the ill-fated 'Secret Society' parties (which would have worked under different circumstances, dammit!!!!), made a number of beats on the Motif and, again, read a rack of books (not to mention I also willed myself to take that Real Estate class over at FSU which arguably is the reason I'm in commercial real estate now).

Now, I'm sure that the concept of one being more productive in the absence of a significant other is nothing new. It's just that when you're in the moment (at least for me), I've found that my overall sentiment is 'happier' during the girlfriend periods. And I'm sure its more than just the sex. I mean, its also that you have a person in which to confide, laugh, and...just be lazy with...exactly!--when you look back, you truly see the value in being alone.

Of course, I'm saying this cause now I'm in not only my 30's, but I believe the next 'phase' of my development (the non-girlfriend one). And the stakes couldn't be higher. I mean seriously, the next 'significant other' one that follows this one will more than likely be the 'wife/family' phase.

Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better for sitting at home typing on the computer on a Friday night. And yes, I've been VERY productive as of late--still going strong on all my resolutions.


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