Monday, February 1, 2010

Pet Peeves #2

  • The dude that ALWAYS gets on the X2 at Gallery Place and raps out loud and/or sporadically with some ambiguous rap or go-go song on his headphones. Mind you, its a different dude everytime. I'm telling you, and I'm serious when I say this, I wouldn't be surprised if its some subconscious, yet ignorant, manifestation of pissing on a tree (i.e. marking one's territory)
  • When they release the remix of a popular song on the radio, and cease to play the original anymore...even when the original is by FAR better than the remix.
  • When they do a reality show / documentary of a famous person and call it "The (insert name here) Project". Yeah, I'm talking about Michael Vick's new reality show on BET. Sorry, his life post-prison is not a 'Project'. Like he said, 'Yo, I'mma choke out some dogs, go to prison for almost two years, and lose my lucrative ATL Falcons contract...just so I can make a reality show about how I f***ed up then try to get it all back'. Sorry.
  • And yes, yet another ad they play a gazillion times on AM 980 where the lady says, "But where was the bailout for the general public struggling in debt?"...or something to that effect. Goes to show you how effective the ad is, I have no idea who its from, yet the irritating part is stuck in my head.


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