Saturday, February 13, 2010

Where my Mind's @ Right Now

First off, Happy 'Single's Awareness' Day to all those without a Valentine.

Onto the title of this blog. I honestly feel like I'm on the cusp of something great that could set off the next phase of my life. I just don't know if what I'm presented with right now is merely a test to see if I can pick myself up after a 'near-win' loss...or if its a test to see if I can motivate and drive myself to a "by-the-nose" win.

I really, really, really, really hope and pray its the latter of the two...but you can never be sure until its all said and done. I really think I'm ready, but beyond me playing my part to the best of my ability, it's not in my hands...its in the Lord's.

Let's just hope the Lord deems me ready to handle the position.


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