Sunday, November 4, 2007

Have You All Seen This...?!

Yeah I know its a bit of a cop-out of a blog...part 2

And yeah I know these are straight jacks from illseed's rumors section on

But the fact of the matter is that I've seen the MTV EMA's (European Music Awards) about 3 times today already and every time I see this, I get pangs of Brittney in Vegas.

Kids...don't do drugs. And if you decide to "trink" (German for "drink")...heavily, make sure you're not about to operate heavy machinery or give a powerpoint presentation (i.e. perform).



Kadija said...

You Tube dropped the video, but had it; and oh damn she needs to stay off the drugs and drink.

Her backup singers and dancers are working there ass off regardless.

Anonymous said...

**thinkin: What was life like before YouTube?**

Joshua said...

Can somebody post a new link for this video?