Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Snoozey Q.

I have a confession to make…

The snooze button and I have had this on-and-off again relationship ever since high school. With her, I seem to push all the right buttons. And like no other, she puts me right to bed.

I’ve known for quite sometime now that our relationship is unhealthy. But for some reason, I can’t seem to quit her. Especially after nights like last night (I was up til 3:30am).

Its like the hook from the last song on Rhymefest’s Blue Collar LP, “Build Me Up”. In vintage form, ODB sings:

[Whyyyy dooooo you buiiiild me up,
Buuuuttercup, baaaaby, just to let me dowwwwwn.
Mess me around→
And the worrrrrst of aaaaaallll,
You never call, baby, when you say you iiiiiiiiis
But I love you still→
I need YOU
More than aaaanyone baaaaaby
You know that I have from the staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart
Build me up,
Buttercup, don’t break my heaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt//



Kadija said...

I hate you for putting that bloody song back in my head!!!

Anonymous said...


I definitely enjoyed your 12/5 posting. I enjoy tidbits of information about a place and to the point. Now that's what I'm talking about. Thanks so much. Be safe and happy. Love you. Mom

Anonymous said...


I definitely enjoyed your 12/5 posting. I enjoy tidbits of information about a place and to the point. Now that's what I'm talking about. Thanks so much. Be safe and happy. Love you. Mom