Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Last Weekend in Frankfurt

I'm sorry ya'll. This weekend started with such promise, and devolved into a laze-fest. Bascially, I've spent the greater portion of this weekend drinking (apfelwein, fine German beers and the cheapest white wine I can find at the Rewe), resting (i.e. napping disguised as zoning out in front my computer) and watching the EMA's (the only thing on TV that's in English) and the DVD's (that don't play on American DVD players mind you) I purchased from Saturn (Ocean's 11 and Heat).

Of note...
  • With respect to the beast-mode to which my face was set, I chose option #3--I found a barber in Frankfurt to bring my head and face into presentable condition. The funny thing is that it was easier for me to just go out on the street and ask the first black person where I could go to cut my hair, than try to search on the internet for black barbers in Germany. I thought I would have had to go to Hanau or Weisbaden (where the nearest American bases to Frankfurt are located), but there was actually a place by Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof ("Main Railway Station"). Interestingly, the barber shop was located in the back of one of those black hair-care products stores. And I mean this was a barber shop for men...not a hair salon for men and women. It was run by Eritreans (find that on the map).
  • I found a store that carries the infamous limited edition, "Made in England," New Balance 1500's (i.e. the New Balances I painstakingly found in America and brought over here to wear...only to have them scuffed up in London the night of the Rugby World Cup). They didn't have my color, but I think they might be able to order them. We'll see.
  • I finally have semi-overcome my paranoia of the washing machine and have started the first load of my clothes (not the landlord's towels). I said "semi-overcome" because I still haven't finished this load yet (still have another like 3 hours to go) and the water level isn't coming up to the height that the landlord said it should when he came over and washed the towel load last week. What's more, I have the detergent, but don't have the scooper that you use to properly measure the amount of detergent you need. I used 3 big scoops from one of the big wooden spoons from the kitchen drawer, but I don't think it was enough. We'll see how it turns out (don't forget, I don't have a dryer, and I don't think the hanger-contraption will hold this entire load...much less the two others I have to go).
That's about it man. Nothing much to tell really. But I guess that's what happens when Frankfurt Freddie stays in town for the weekend. Next weekend will be better...I promise.



Abu Saif al-Andalusi said...

Nice new blog. Mine is

Kadija said...

I would like you to explain the workings of the washing machine in the same way you explained the "shower", as I find it hard to believe it would take that long to wash one load of clothes.
As for using the wooded spoon for a scoop, why didn't you just use a cup, it would have been the right amount. tut...Boys... huh, bloody useless!