Wednesday, November 14, 2007

YouTube Bonus

After 6 o'clock, things get pretty casual in the office. Aside from the mandatory foosball game that always happens at 6 o'clock sharp, someone is always sharing some racy picture or funny youtube clip with the office. Today it was youtube.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you what Germans think Christmas in America is all about...



Anonymous said...

Your utube skills suck! The link doesn't work.

Frankfurt Freddie said...

It comes out clear on my end. Can any of the viewers at home let us know if you can see the video? Thanks.

--IT Dept.

Kadija said...

The link worked for me...but if I lived across the street from these people, I would paint all my windows black. That is so ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Apologies. Link is up and running.


Joshua said...

You were right the first time, Ler. The link ain't linkin to anything. That makes two videos Freddro has introduced us to where I see nothing. I feel so left out.