Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Blog for Blogging's Sake

There you have it.

Over the week, I've had a number of blogs that have popped into my head, but just haven't been near a computer. I mean seriously, down to having the first two sentences, literally, in my head. But by the time I got home, forgotten about them and the blog altogether.

So, what's in my head now? A number of depressing things that I'm not going to elaborate. On another note though, I will say its sad when you are sort of provided clues into who a person is, but you not to say disregard it, but pay more attention to the person they are in the moment...and then at some point, you have those prior clues validated in a way that you realize you can now no longer be friends with that person.

I mean, I guess its sad whenever you lose a just smarts when it happens this way (no pun intended).


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