Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Denman-Werlich Residence

I could appraise properties like this all day and never get tired...

Finished my first report of the year in 3 days, and I must say, it's pretty thorough...and not even for the summary report that it is, I mean this thing could pass for a self-contained.

I think part of the reason for the beastiality, aside from the fact I'm trying to get more focused in the new decade, is the fact I thoroughly enjoyed inspecting, researching, analyzing and reporting all of the facets of this property's value...not to mention the fact its "goooo-gious" as Kadija would say.

Seriously, if I could be the dedicated guy in the office to do these types of properties in the once-in-a-while chance a request for bid comes through our office...I'd do it for half the price.

Real talk.


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