Monday, January 11, 2010

Pet Peeves #1

Yet another recurring series...

  • Metro train operators that pronounce 'Judiciary Square' as 'Jew-dis-SHU-wary' Square. WHERE'S THE SECOND 'U' AT?! And don't make this into a D.C. accent thing're a bamma! On to the next one...
  • Homeless people that get mad at you when they ask you for change and you say 'No'. F*** that, even when you say you don't have any they get mad and say stuff under their breath. I'm sorry, since when did I have an obligation to have money when you asked, much less give you some if I did have it, much less support your pandering?...
  • When someone asks me to resend an email that I sent to them prior that they said they received but its either somewhere in their inbox or junk mail. Is like you're passing the work of "finding" the email onto me. LOOK THE ISHT UP YOURSELF! Why should I have to search through my "Sent Items" folder and resend it to you, worse yet re-type the damn thing. I went through the trouble of sending it to you, now you go through the trouble of finding it! On to the next one...
  • When the dude with the Hispanic accent on the Metrobus radio commercials they play on 980 AM says, "Not technically, but they all run on alternative fuels" (just the 'not technically' part). Great, now I'm gonna have that suck in my head for the rest of the night.

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