Tuesday, January 19, 2010

While We're At It...

Can you believe it?!...I have jury duty tomorrow morning! Ahh, the trials and tribs of being a District resident. Still, I have another blog in my head and its Conan's last week so 'I'll kill two more bird's with one stone' (i.e. watch Conan and type this post) before I head to bed.

These aren't a part of my new year's resolutions and I won't necessarily be bummed if I don't accomplish them. These are more like goals I keep in my head to keep my eyes on the prize:

  • Join a photography group and meet with them twice a month (maybe use meetup.com)
  • Play chess twice a month (either with Yves or through meetup.com)
  • Play ping pong twice a month on Monday's at Rock 'n Roll Hotel (maybe with Josh)
  • Pursue my MAI designation
  • Read a book a month
  • Cook a meal once a week (and I mean a real meal from a cook book)...if only for my refrigerator's sake
  • Construct a retaining wall for, fence and level the backyard; install the pervious pavers in the front yard and install blinds on all the windows
This so reminds me of the journals I used to keep. I wonder how I'd feel about the 'goals' I had penned in there 10 years ago?


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